Hey everyone.
I apologize for missing some posts recently. My life hit a few bumps. I took my dog to the vet because she had some sores on her front legs. On one leg she has a condition known as Acral Lick Dermatitis which is caused by her licking a particular spot over and over. It is also infected. On the other leg the vet says she feels a “mass” which she would like to biopsy to rule out it being a cancerous tumor. I lost my last dog to cancer. So needless to say I worried. But worried doesn’t quite cover it. I have a nauseating sick feeling in my stomach at all times. I have been depressed more than usual and not quite sure how I am going to deal with this. This vet bill came out to $193.89 just for the vet visit and some antibiotics and one of those stupid pet collars that make her look like a satellite dish. Once the infection clears up the vet wants to do the biopsy and they gave me an ESTIMATE on how much that would cost – $473.90! I have no idea how I am going to pay for this since this last visit ended up almost emptying my bank account. It is too late to get pet insurance because this is now a “pre-existing condition” and the vet does NOT do payment plans. I have one credit card which is already maxed out and, due to poor decisions in the past, I cannot get another one.
All that on top of not feeling well myself over the last week or so and Sunday is my birthday. I have exactly $134.58 in my bank account to last me for the rest of the month.
I don’t mean to bring any of you down this road of doom and gloom that I appear to be on, but I thought it was important for me to be honest with you since you may see fewer posts from me as usual. And since I used up the money for my internet service on the vet bill, I am not sure how many more posts I will be able to make.
I know many of you have helped me out financially in the past and I REALLY hate putting this out there AGAIN and am even more sick to my stomach for doing so, but if you would like to make a donation, PLEASE e-mail me at boyohboi@gmail.com. I have a PayPal account which accepts debit and credit cards but I cannot post it on my blog because it violates the terms of service and they will put a hold on all my funds because my blog is Adult in nature. All donations are completely confidential… I promise “Boyohboi” will NOT appear on your credit card statement . Once you e-mail me I will respond with the PayPal account name.
I really don’t expect you to help and will not hold it against ANYONE if they can not or choose not to donate. I know I am in no position to help others financially and know that there are a lot of you out there like me. If you do choose to help, please know that I and my pup, Phoenix, would be eternally grateful!
OK. Enough about me, but thanks for “listening”.
PS. There WILL be a Self Portrait Saturday post tomorrow so be sure to check back.